Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I've Missed Skiing!

Tonight our ward (church congregation) rented the ski resort that's a 30 minute drive from where we live. I had a blast! The first couple of runs I was pretty rusty. Well, hey, there sure aren't any ski hills in the South! After a while I was loving it and can't wait to go again. I love that we live this close to a resort! Trent and I were the only ones to ski, Bruce chased the other three around the lodge. It was kind of funny cuz it was only Trent's third time to ski but he was giving me refresher pointers. I think it's been at least 13 years since I have snow skied. It sure felt good to go again, forgot my camera though. Next time...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Top 8 of '08 even if its late

I've been wanting to post our family's top 8 events of '08 but thanks to the help of one certain three year old, I couldn't find my memory card. But, alas, I finally located it so decided to go ahead and post. Hey, don't look at me like that, the Oscars for best movies in '08 were just awarded yesterday.

Trent and Teagan both participated in our city's Junior Music Fest after taking piano lessons for one year. They each played two songs and both earned a Superior rating. Teagan played "Frog on a Log" by Martha Mier and "Grandpa's Pocket Watch" by Deborah Brady. Trent played "Frolic" by Ronald Bennett - I really liked that one. I don't remember the other one though. They are currently preparing for this years Music Fest next month.

Brilee started kindergarten! When we moved into our new house the family acrossed the street had moved in a couple months before us and happened to have a cute red headed girl just Brilee's age. They ended up in the same class and are the best of friends! It has been awesome for shy Brilee to have someone to hang with and walk home from the bus stop. Here they are eating donuts on a string at a school carnival.

Trent turned 12, received the Aaronic Priesthood and began passing the sacrament at church. He attended his first full week of scout camp at beautiful Camp Loll near Yellowstone National Park. Bruce was able to go along and they had a great time.

Walt Disney World! Bruce's parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Thanksgiving weekend and flew the whole family (46 people) to Orlando, Florida for five fun filled days! They are a great example to us, showing us how it's done. We love you Grandpa and Grandma!
Bruce was able to secure a large research grant that was a collaboration between ISU, USU and the Army Corps of Engineers. It's a dam spillway study. Hurray, one step closer to tenure!

Reflections Winners! Reflections is a PTA contest in the arts. Trent, Teagan, and Brilee all entered in the visual arts category and each placed in their individual divisions. No one could have been more shocked than me. There were 152 entries at their school. I mean I would have believed it if one placed, but all three? Wow! (BTW that was the theme for the contest this year). We found out last month that Teagan and Brilee placed at the district level and their pictures went on to state! We'll have to post the actual pictures when we get them back in June.
The Nutcracker! The girls had a blast dancing in the Nutcracker, Teagan as an angel and Brilee as a lamb.
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By far the number stress relieving event in 2008 was finishing our new home and getting moved in!!! It was one grueling summer but we were (and are) so happy to be moved in. We have great neighbors and love it out here! Bruce has his acreage and I have a new home. (Pleeeaaaase no more remodeling projects!!!!) Can we just move in and live our lives now? Oh, thank you, thank you!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My First Tag!

Jennifer, my cousin Tyson's wife, tagged me. Let's see, does that make her my cousin-in-law? Hmmm... It is my first tag in the blogosphere! The first one was supposed to be favorite TV shows but I changed it to movies since I watch so very little television. (Who has time?) Well, here goes...

8 Movies I liked:
1. Radio
2. Hitch
3. Remember the Titans
4. Pursuit of Happyness
5. Glory Road
6. Homeless to Harvard
7. White Chicks
8. Pride & Prejudice

8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Talked to my sister on the phone
2. A Turbo Kick class at the gym
3. Read books to Brilee and Benjamin
4. Baked two loaves of banana bread
5. Drove Brilee to TaVaci
6. Drove Teagan to tumbling
7. Vacuumed the bedrooms
8. Checked my email

8 Things I look forward to:
1. Benjamin being potty trained
2. Getting more snow
3. A Temple trip this Friday with girlfriends
4. Taking the kids roller skating Saturday if they make the bus all week
5. Getting our landscaping done
6. Date nights with Bruce
7. Time to read all the books sitting on my nightstand
8. Getting together with extended family

8 Favorite restaurants:
1. Ruby River
2. Texas Road House
3. Olive Garden
4. Red Lobster
5. Butter Burr's
6. The Lion House
7. Chilis
8. Applebees

8 Things on my wish list:
1. Bruce to get our humidifier installed
2. Shelves in the garage
3. More shelves in the storage room
4. Finding a good preschool for Ben before they all fill up (yes I mean for Fall)
5. A magnetic board in the kitchen to display all our art, notes etc.
6. My hair to grow
7. That we can get our lawn planted in early spring
8. The economy to improve

8 People I tag:
1. Melinda
2. Heather
3. Andrea
4. Lisa
5. Martina
6. Wendy
7. Amilyn
8. Lynetta

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Welcome to our new page

This is our new blog ..... I imagine it will be changing as Gayla tries new things.